Wednesday, December 16, 2015

4 years ago...

I came home from Katimavik four years ago today. Now I didn't even know if I would write this blogpost, in my head it's been four years who would want to read it? Would I even want to write it? I don't know if I even have words anymore. I've hit the third year blues in my university career, and its just that slump. But I've been trying to be more productive and active this year, it's difficult when all I want to do is stay in  my little isolationist bubble. I was trying to think of all thats been accomplished and its impressive, once you include all my Katima-mates and myself. Two of them are going through large life changes (Its not my place to say what it is), One graduated university, one went back to university, and it seems like everyone is getting their lives together and becoming productive adults with lives and jobs of their owns. I feel like I'm still stuck but maybe that will change once I graduate from university and find my way in the world. But I finally declared my major yesterday so History major here I go! Maybe I will end up working for the Canadian government with the ministry of heritage.

 I wanted to try to get back into volunteering this year. I've been so focused on school and work and paying for school, that its hard to get out of that mindset. This year I was an welcome leader (orientation) at university. It was really fun and made me miss the weekends in Katimavik that we would group volunteer together. I'm going to continue doing this, and I am trying to be more active and conscious citizen/student.

 I wanted to make jam this year, so my mother taught me how to make it. We picked up local BC produce and made strawberry, raspberry, and blackberries. It ended up feeling very Katimavik and we have plans to extend our canning next year to include things like pickles (my billet in quebec made lovely pickles) and more jam.

This year Justin Trudeau was elected! It was an interesting night in my household as some members of my family were NDP and then the other half were Liberal. I hope that it gives a glimmer of hope towards the return of this wonderful program. I am glad that our voices were heard in this election, and it shows that Canadians can affect change.

My blog always ends up being depressing I find. I relate that I wish I could go back to Katimavik where life seemed easier where this group of friends would never be seperated. In my head it seems that as the years go by we all watch facebook to see whats going on with our friends but we never say "Hey...whats going on in your life lately?" It's just sad. I miss it, but there is no going back to that place. Its just enough for us to remember it and remember what happened. Katimavik is important to those who were a part of it and it helped define us. Now its a matter of moving away from Katimavik being the only thing that defines us. What defines me? Thats a question I'm still working on answering.

Until next year.