I was reading it saying to myself "Ummm I dont see whether or not I got into the program....geez if they are going to reject me it would be nice if they would just get it over with already (OMG she used the title of the article in the thingy! OMG Squeee!)
I got to school and wanted to check my email again because I knew I couldn't concentrate without knowing whether or not I got in so I opened this baby

I was in my school library, naturally I squeeled like a little girl. Trust me I got more than a few looks. I look over to my sister (the only one I told about second selection) and then said I got in. We then walked to her class and I was laughing and smiling and I looked like a total fool.But I just couldnt contain it, trust me this was all I thought about ALL DAY LONG!!! It was the most amazing thing ever. I just feel really bad for those who didn't recieve placement. But hey I am one of the lucky ones:)
Yours truly
Katimagirl (I can say that now without lying!:) )
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