I still have my conditional acceptance, because I haven't been able to go and do my doctors appointment, I have it scheduled for April 9th, yeah I know very last minute, but hey I only got second selection otherwise I would have had it done sooner! I dont have to justify it to you...yes I have to do it for myself. Anyways I met my new doctor and she said I do need a physical since the last one I had was when I was 2, so yeah, but I am hoping that will make it cheaper or my medical (I get it through my fathers work until I am 19) will cover it, Either way I need one. One bonus of Katimavik is that my mother finally got me a doctor! YAY, and she is a woman and she deals with pregnant ladies, and stuff like that so she will hopefully be my doctor for my entire life:D ! But I plan to scan that in right when I get home from the office.
OH! My mother also scheduled all of my other appointments for before I leave! Like eye-doctor (I need to get contacts from there also, but it will be easier after I take my eye exam that way they have up to date information and I can properly see!) and the dentist! I hate the dentist though, maybe I should bite him! Since they always say I should floss more and ask me if I know how! I really hate that because I do floss and brush my teeth I just have bad bad teeth...okay not that bad , I just wanna get it over with
But I have good news!!!!

all the olympic goodness from 2010 like this badboy are on sale! These keychains are like 5 for 10 dollars or 1 for 2.50, so Hopefully if they are still there (there was a lot when I last went) I will get them for my group! Won't that be cool? or lame? I think cool:) I am going back to buy them probably april 16th? So I am crossing my fingers that they are still there, seriously they can't give olympic stuff(well the mascots) away now
Anyways, I am outta here, hopefully the next post will be locations...unless I get bored or things related to Katimavik pop up...also sorry if I am missing letters (especially e) my computer is acting up
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