So we go billeting tommarrow...I know somethings about my billets...which is amazing and awesome:D But that is for later. HOUSE MANAGING UPDATE! Well, as you should know, I am house managing with Jill currently! *insert applause here. We work so well together and mesh quite wonderfully it makes me truly happy! We get everything finished early and start cooking for the next day in the evening, frankly we have this down pat. Except the only bad thing is the fact that one of our members who is a vegetarian has decided this week to go full vegan and it is scary because we have already planned our meals (Like before our 48) so it is difficult trying to make it work. I wish she had told us before we started our week that way we could have at least made something for her. Luckily a lot of our meals were vegan anyways, but some of them werent so we might have to fudge our menu around as well. Word of advice always tell your group anything about your diet BEFORE they plan their meals. Also another word to the wise that if you are sick DO NOT lounge around the house in your boxers all day seriously you get in the way and if you bend over or do something wrong and I am behind you it is not an attractive sight in the least! Also don't be a total cow, please only do one load of laundry a day! Argh I tried washing the towels that had been used in the kitchen but alas a second load of laundry for said boy in the boxers had been put on...I MEAN COME ON!
Moving off my gripes, trust me there are tons more, but happier things. TOMMARROW!! We meet with the MP of lethbridge! AT MY WORK?! YES! I am excitied, but also because that means I get to see my lovely birds! Anyways after that we get to go BILLETING! Yeah, I am getting more excitied and more nervous. Well I dont know much about my billets right now... I am excitied, yet nervous...lets see where this adventure takes me:)
I dunno if I will be able to write since I don't know if they have internet...also I think this two week break is much needed by our lovely little family!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Crazy 48
Not was actually nice and quiet. Friday we went out as a group to a place that had chicken wings for a good deal, it was fun. We had a really nice chat and then went over to two of our group members hotel room and hung out and played games. Also we had a bit to drink...not me though, personally I find drinking disgusting. Then Saturday we tried sleeping in...that didn't happen. Then we got dressed and went out to the Galt museum. I love museums! Below is a link to our pictures from the museum.
It was fun I love museums. Then when we went to the mall and some random stores around town. There was this amazing store that someone from Katimavik was there! she was an alumni and she wants to billet one of us! She also offered us food because according to her you don't eat much during your 48. I found a necklace I want to buy when I have money next time, a bug incased in resin. I find it interesting and fascinating so I want one.
We went to Fort Whoop Up (By we I mean me and Willie again) it was SO much fun. Words cannot describe...then again I am a crazy history nerd so anything historical will have me going cocoa for cocoa puffs. More pictures for you to look at...cause it is faster to upload them onto facebook instead of blogger...go figure
House managing next week...wish me luck!
OH! and more pictures....of my group
Have a great week!
It was fun I love museums. Then when we went to the mall and some random stores around town. There was this amazing store that someone from Katimavik was there! she was an alumni and she wants to billet one of us! She also offered us food because according to her you don't eat much during your 48. I found a necklace I want to buy when I have money next time, a bug incased in resin. I find it interesting and fascinating so I want one.
We went to Fort Whoop Up (By we I mean me and Willie again) it was SO much fun. Words cannot describe...then again I am a crazy history nerd so anything historical will have me going cocoa for cocoa puffs. More pictures for you to look at...cause it is faster to upload them onto facebook instead of blogger...go figure
House managing next week...wish me luck!
OH! and more pictures....of my group
Have a great week!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Avada Kedavra?
So this week definately takes the cake in terms of Katimavik awesomeness! Seriously, great news all around and its only wednesday! Let me break this down for you...well my week so far.
Monday- Work 9-5, also started feeling better, and then a Project Leader from assinibo, sk (I KNOW I SPELT THAT WRONG...sorry) came to visit us and had dinner with us, VERY NICE (seriously if she is your PL treat her with respect she said nothing but nice things about you guys!) and then we went to go swimming but something got mixed up and it wasn't a "free" swim it was a class, so we took this class instead...FML it was called Deep Water Jog. Pretty much everything it says, but in water. I looked like I was having a seizure under water! And then most of the group hung out in the kitchen, and we had some fun with sparklers! EPICNESS! On the front step all of us with our sparklers, we were such wizards...except Helena killed me (SHE USED AN UNFORGIVABLE CURSE!! NO!!! shes going to azkaban)
Tuesday- Work 9-5 again (EVERYDAY!) felt much better this day still couldn't eat anything. Then we had our french lessons, I feel like we aren't going to learn enough to be sufficent in Quebec City seeing as the next time we see each other is September 13 (Because next tuesday she is gone, and we have our mid rotation reflections, and then for two weeks we billet)
Wednesday- Work 9-5 but something exciting happened today...I LEARNED KNOTS! Aka the knots I need to be able to hold the birds for people! Cheers all around! And then I walked in the door a few minutes ago and heard this EPIC AMAZING AWESOME SEXTACULAR NEWS!!!....
-drumroll please-
We can volunteer at an event where our band (Our theme song is "SAIL" by AWOLNATION) is playing at...
The local Member of Parliament wants to meet our group! So next Thursday he invited us to a pizza "party" (I don't know what the means exactly, I think pizza party and a seven year olds birthday party) to meet him! Its going to be held at my work too!
Also KYRA! For some reason I keep trying to comment to your comment and it won't let hopefully you read this... I dunno
Kyra, yes my second rotation is Quebec City, like yours was. A few of my group have already creeped out your blog and been so happy to hear that we have two bathrooms in Quebec compared to the one we have here.
I am loving the program! Although it is hard being away from my twin sister... But this opportunity won't come along again :)
Any advice for Quebec City? things to see? jobs that sucked? Which bed to pick?
My response:
Monday- Work 9-5, also started feeling better, and then a Project Leader from assinibo, sk (I KNOW I SPELT THAT WRONG...sorry) came to visit us and had dinner with us, VERY NICE (seriously if she is your PL treat her with respect she said nothing but nice things about you guys!) and then we went to go swimming but something got mixed up and it wasn't a "free" swim it was a class, so we took this class instead...FML it was called Deep Water Jog. Pretty much everything it says, but in water. I looked like I was having a seizure under water! And then most of the group hung out in the kitchen, and we had some fun with sparklers! EPICNESS! On the front step all of us with our sparklers, we were such wizards...except Helena killed me (SHE USED AN UNFORGIVABLE CURSE!! NO!!! shes going to azkaban)
Tuesday- Work 9-5 again (EVERYDAY!) felt much better this day still couldn't eat anything. Then we had our french lessons, I feel like we aren't going to learn enough to be sufficent in Quebec City seeing as the next time we see each other is September 13 (Because next tuesday she is gone, and we have our mid rotation reflections, and then for two weeks we billet)
Wednesday- Work 9-5 but something exciting happened today...I LEARNED KNOTS! Aka the knots I need to be able to hold the birds for people! Cheers all around! And then I walked in the door a few minutes ago and heard this EPIC AMAZING AWESOME SEXTACULAR NEWS!!!....
-drumroll please-
We can volunteer at an event where our band (Our theme song is "SAIL" by AWOLNATION) is playing at...
The local Member of Parliament wants to meet our group! So next Thursday he invited us to a pizza "party" (I don't know what the means exactly, I think pizza party and a seven year olds birthday party) to meet him! Its going to be held at my work too!
Also KYRA! For some reason I keep trying to comment to your comment and it won't let hopefully you read this... I dunno
Kyra, yes my second rotation is Quebec City, like yours was. A few of my group have already creeped out your blog and been so happy to hear that we have two bathrooms in Quebec compared to the one we have here.
I am loving the program! Although it is hard being away from my twin sister... But this opportunity won't come along again :)
Any advice for Quebec City? things to see? jobs that sucked? Which bed to pick?
My response:
Sunday, August 14, 2011
New News News
A few of my lovely katimavikers were in the news. go until 3:20 and thats where the segment starts. Ah look at little morgan and cedric. How I love them:) and our lovely PL:D has been a long time since I posted. Two weeks. Ugh, too much free time, then no free time. It's frustrating but I guess thats what Katimavik life is. Ah well, we have done SO much in the past two weeks its crazy!
So the weekend of August 6th and 7th we volunteered at the Canadian Little League Championships. It was fun, we did 50/50 raffle tickets, sold merchandise, and sold door tickets. Best part is they fed us breakfast one day (And they had a TON of pancake mix left over and they gave it to us) and then the next day we got to have lunch. Ah French fries my favourite (this is where I drool, seriously I love french fries) Um Whalley (They represented British Columbia! It's in Surrey, near Vancouver) won and I really liked giving it to the Ontario kids, it was funny because we kept trying to prove which province was better. We got a free t-shirt volunteering there (seriously if I get any more free t-shirts I will never have to buy another one again!)
Then working at birds of prey. two weird stories...funnier one first. This guy came into Birds of Prey Centre with a puppet, and his son. He looked more concerned about his puppet than his son. Anyways he asks us if he has to pay for his puppet to come in. Weird... second story is that I got to ride home in the backseat with a baby short eared owl. He kept trying to jump out of his little box, it was so adorable!
apologize for the bad photo, jumping bird, plus bumpy car ride...bad picture.
This week we also did YOGA! Which I find interesting. I like that it keeps my mind buzy for the hour it takes, also hot showers that I dont have to wait for. Ah, I cannot wait for quebec city and that way our group will have more than one bathroom.
This weekend was interesting to say the least. I am so tired and ready to go back to work tommarrow. So Saturday we went to a Hudderite Farm Tour! Interesting, it was crazy. Okay this is just my opinion so if you want ignore it but like I say its my opinion and I am allowed to have one. I hated it there! I know its their lifestyle and such but ugh. We got to see everything, the capentry shop, the metal shop, the cattle place, the kitchen, the garden, the preschool, and the school house. But most of the guys were VERY sexist! It was so hard to hold my tongue! We were talking with one guy in the capentry shop and he looks at the guys and was like "This is mans work, Women always say they want to be treated equally until it comes to hard work" I was like "Calm down, this is their culture" BUT SERIOUSLY! ARGH! Most of the guys around the farm/colony had that attitude though. Anyways, we went to the area where the cows were and got to see the calves. They kept licking my hand and sucking on it, it was adorable. We also found a kitten that the girls were smitten with, it reminded me of my cat Nardo (My little orange kitten I had, he got killed by a cougar, always tried to attack things bigger than him:( ) We also got to go to their garden which is AMAZING! They kept handing us cucumbers, tomatoes, raspberries, I loved that part. Their rolls were amazing too! Oh those rolls, light and fluffy and homemade...I am drooling just thinking about it:) We also went to their school house. They learn German as children, and then when they get older they learn English, then learn German some more. They go to school Monday thru Friday 7 until 3:30, and then Saturday Sunday 7 until noon. Wow, they also finish school at 15, I don't think I would have ever been ready to finish school at 15! All in all, the women that showed us around were amazing and the sweetest ladies you would ever meet, and the children following us made me giggle, but the guys yeah its their lifestyle whatever. Except the guy that we asked to do the tour with named Jason, he was nice and very polite to the girls.
Then later that afternoon the Medicine Hat Group came! Crazy night proceeded. Although a lot of them went off and did their own things, a few of us helped with murder. We played a game called Werewolf, it was fun. It is so much better with a larger group, it was weird though when I woke up and their was so many more people! Except our one bathroom was definately in need of a clean after 22 people.
Sunday we volunteered at the BMX event in Lethbridge. People there actually knew where Maple Ridge, B.C. was! Apparently there is like a giant track there and thats why they knew it. My job there was helping with food, I got to serve people their burgers and ask if they wanted sauce on it or not. Medicine Hat group helped there too, so there was like no real jobs for them. It was crazy! We keptt having people come up and thank us. We also were asked to sing O' Canada and explain Katimavik to the people in the stands. All in all it was an amazing weekend. Except for the fact that I have been crazy sick and am going to go to the doctor hopefully with Helena tommarrow. i would rather be safe than sorry. go until 3:20 and thats where the segment starts. Ah look at little morgan and cedric. How I love them:) and our lovely PL:D has been a long time since I posted. Two weeks. Ugh, too much free time, then no free time. It's frustrating but I guess thats what Katimavik life is. Ah well, we have done SO much in the past two weeks its crazy!
So the weekend of August 6th and 7th we volunteered at the Canadian Little League Championships. It was fun, we did 50/50 raffle tickets, sold merchandise, and sold door tickets. Best part is they fed us breakfast one day (And they had a TON of pancake mix left over and they gave it to us) and then the next day we got to have lunch. Ah French fries my favourite (this is where I drool, seriously I love french fries) Um Whalley (They represented British Columbia! It's in Surrey, near Vancouver) won and I really liked giving it to the Ontario kids, it was funny because we kept trying to prove which province was better. We got a free t-shirt volunteering there (seriously if I get any more free t-shirts I will never have to buy another one again!)
Then working at birds of prey. two weird stories...funnier one first. This guy came into Birds of Prey Centre with a puppet, and his son. He looked more concerned about his puppet than his son. Anyways he asks us if he has to pay for his puppet to come in. Weird... second story is that I got to ride home in the backseat with a baby short eared owl. He kept trying to jump out of his little box, it was so adorable!

apologize for the bad photo, jumping bird, plus bumpy car ride...bad picture.
This week we also did YOGA! Which I find interesting. I like that it keeps my mind buzy for the hour it takes, also hot showers that I dont have to wait for. Ah, I cannot wait for quebec city and that way our group will have more than one bathroom.
This weekend was interesting to say the least. I am so tired and ready to go back to work tommarrow. So Saturday we went to a Hudderite Farm Tour! Interesting, it was crazy. Okay this is just my opinion so if you want ignore it but like I say its my opinion and I am allowed to have one. I hated it there! I know its their lifestyle and such but ugh. We got to see everything, the capentry shop, the metal shop, the cattle place, the kitchen, the garden, the preschool, and the school house. But most of the guys were VERY sexist! It was so hard to hold my tongue! We were talking with one guy in the capentry shop and he looks at the guys and was like "This is mans work, Women always say they want to be treated equally until it comes to hard work" I was like "Calm down, this is their culture" BUT SERIOUSLY! ARGH! Most of the guys around the farm/colony had that attitude though. Anyways, we went to the area where the cows were and got to see the calves. They kept licking my hand and sucking on it, it was adorable. We also found a kitten that the girls were smitten with, it reminded me of my cat Nardo (My little orange kitten I had, he got killed by a cougar, always tried to attack things bigger than him:( ) We also got to go to their garden which is AMAZING! They kept handing us cucumbers, tomatoes, raspberries, I loved that part. Their rolls were amazing too! Oh those rolls, light and fluffy and homemade...I am drooling just thinking about it:) We also went to their school house. They learn German as children, and then when they get older they learn English, then learn German some more. They go to school Monday thru Friday 7 until 3:30, and then Saturday Sunday 7 until noon. Wow, they also finish school at 15, I don't think I would have ever been ready to finish school at 15! All in all, the women that showed us around were amazing and the sweetest ladies you would ever meet, and the children following us made me giggle, but the guys yeah its their lifestyle whatever. Except the guy that we asked to do the tour with named Jason, he was nice and very polite to the girls.
Then later that afternoon the Medicine Hat Group came! Crazy night proceeded. Although a lot of them went off and did their own things, a few of us helped with murder. We played a game called Werewolf, it was fun. It is so much better with a larger group, it was weird though when I woke up and their was so many more people! Except our one bathroom was definately in need of a clean after 22 people.
Sunday we volunteered at the BMX event in Lethbridge. People there actually knew where Maple Ridge, B.C. was! Apparently there is like a giant track there and thats why they knew it. My job there was helping with food, I got to serve people their burgers and ask if they wanted sauce on it or not. Medicine Hat group helped there too, so there was like no real jobs for them. It was crazy! We keptt having people come up and thank us. We also were asked to sing O' Canada and explain Katimavik to the people in the stands. All in all it was an amazing weekend. Except for the fact that I have been crazy sick and am going to go to the doctor hopefully with Helena tommarrow. i would rather be safe than sorry.
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