go until 3:20 and thats where the segment starts. Ah look at little morgan and cedric. How I love them:) and our lovely PL:D has been a long time since I posted. Two weeks. Ugh, too much free time, then no free time. It's frustrating but I guess thats what Katimavik life is. Ah well, we have done SO much in the past two weeks its crazy!
So the weekend of August 6th and 7th we volunteered at the Canadian Little League Championships. It was fun, we did 50/50 raffle tickets, sold merchandise, and sold door tickets. Best part is they fed us breakfast one day (And they had a TON of pancake mix left over and they gave it to us) and then the next day we got to have lunch. Ah French fries my favourite (this is where I drool, seriously I love french fries) Um Whalley (They represented British Columbia! It's in Surrey, near Vancouver) won and I really liked giving it to the Ontario kids, it was funny because we kept trying to prove which province was better. We got a free t-shirt volunteering there (seriously if I get any more free t-shirts I will never have to buy another one again!)
Then working at birds of prey. two weird stories...funnier one first. This guy came into Birds of Prey Centre with a puppet, and his son. He looked more concerned about his puppet than his son. Anyways he asks us if he has to pay for his puppet to come in. Weird... second story is that I got to ride home in the backseat with a baby short eared owl. He kept trying to jump out of his little box, it was so adorable!

apologize for the bad photo, jumping bird, plus bumpy car ride...bad picture.
This week we also did YOGA! Which I find interesting. I like that it keeps my mind buzy for the hour it takes, also hot showers that I dont have to wait for. Ah, I cannot wait for quebec city and that way our group will have more than one bathroom.
This weekend was interesting to say the least. I am so tired and ready to go back to work tommarrow. So Saturday we went to a Hudderite Farm Tour! Interesting, it was crazy. Okay this is just my opinion so if you want ignore it but like I say its my opinion and I am allowed to have one. I hated it there! I know its their lifestyle and such but ugh. We got to see everything, the capentry shop, the metal shop, the cattle place, the kitchen, the garden, the preschool, and the school house. But most of the guys were VERY sexist! It was so hard to hold my tongue! We were talking with one guy in the capentry shop and he looks at the guys and was like "This is mans work, Women always say they want to be treated equally until it comes to hard work" I was like "Calm down, this is their culture" BUT SERIOUSLY! ARGH! Most of the guys around the farm/colony had that attitude though. Anyways, we went to the area where the cows were and got to see the calves. They kept licking my hand and sucking on it, it was adorable. We also found a kitten that the girls were smitten with, it reminded me of my cat Nardo (My little orange kitten I had, he got killed by a cougar, always tried to attack things bigger than him:( ) We also got to go to their garden which is AMAZING! They kept handing us cucumbers, tomatoes, raspberries, I loved that part. Their rolls were amazing too! Oh those rolls, light and fluffy and homemade...I am drooling just thinking about it:) We also went to their school house. They learn German as children, and then when they get older they learn English, then learn German some more. They go to school Monday thru Friday 7 until 3:30, and then Saturday Sunday 7 until noon. Wow, they also finish school at 15, I don't think I would have ever been ready to finish school at 15! All in all, the women that showed us around were amazing and the sweetest ladies you would ever meet, and the children following us made me giggle, but the guys yeah its their lifestyle whatever. Except the guy that we asked to do the tour with named Jason, he was nice and very polite to the girls.
Then later that afternoon the Medicine Hat Group came! Crazy night proceeded. Although a lot of them went off and did their own things, a few of us helped with murder. We played a game called Werewolf, it was fun. It is so much better with a larger group, it was weird though when I woke up and their was so many more people! Except our one bathroom was definately in need of a clean after 22 people.
Sunday we volunteered at the BMX event in Lethbridge. People there actually knew where Maple Ridge, B.C. was! Apparently there is like a giant track there and thats why they knew it. My job there was helping with food, I got to serve people their burgers and ask if they wanted sauce on it or not. Medicine Hat group helped there too, so there was like no real jobs for them. It was crazy! We keptt having people come up and thank us. We also were asked to sing O' Canada and explain Katimavik to the people in the stands. All in all it was an amazing weekend. Except for the fact that I have been crazy sick and am going to go to the doctor hopefully with Helena tommarrow. i would rather be safe than sorry.
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