Our debriefing started with us taking two pictures the other day. We took a picture of ourselves how we felt at the start of the program. I don't have the photo but when I do I will put it up. It was hilarious seeing it, no one was standing close together, everyone was apart. I was hiding behind cole and looking at my feet. Everyone was...well strangers. Then in the second photo, we were all sitting together hugging, smiling, happy. I saw the pictures and I have to admit that it's true. We did do a complete 180 degree turn. Our group of teenage strangers, now some of the closest people alive.
Another debriefing activity was a leaf, a stick, and a rock. We gathered one of each of these items and then you had to say one thing you wanted to leave behind(leaf) one thing you wanted to stick with you (Stick) and one thing that rocked (rock) It was sweet, for my leaf I said I wanted to leave my shyness/awkwardness behind. I mean I'm not as shy as I was at the start of the program but I still want to work on that. The one thing that rocked was my job being able to hold the birds, I remember when we were learning how to hold them, and Willie and myself kept passing Mario back and forth, like we were playing catch (we didn't throw the bird, no worries) The stick for me had to be that I know that if we get in a bad state (like some people did once) and need help I know that my whole group will be there helping me and protecting me.
A debriefing activity that we did last night was the coolest I think. It was a bead activity, we all picked beads that we believed represented everyone in our group and then presented it to the others. So in the end you would have 10 other beads representing you. I have my beads and the story behind them below.
Then cleaning the whole house, and now I am waiting for the bus to pick us up in two hours...probably going to go clean some more
Next blog post in QUEBEC CITY!
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