Our groups final video for Lethbridge
One other thing...we donated blood as well before we left! YAY! Well...a lot of us tried, some couldn't for medical reasons, some were sick, some the nurses couldn't find the viens, fun times. It was fun! We took up almost the whole clinic! I am now a registered blood donor, round of applause! This makes me really excitied, I would encourage everyone to go donate blood you save lives (cough cough like mine:) )But I got in the chair they jabbed me with the needle a lot, and alas they couldn't find a vein, because they kept jiggling and moving the needle while it was in my arm it hurt. At least they only poked one of my arms, a poor guy in my group they poked both sides and still couldn't find a vein. Alas! WAY more water next time I think. Ah well, five of us were actually able to donate blood. We can donate again on November 11th but I don't know if we can because we are in Quebec, hopefully we can its a great thing to do. I want to continue donating blood for the rest of my life if I can, it can save someones life.
Quebec...oh Quebec...
I am really starting to hate you! Our group was a happy little family in Lethbridge, we had adjusted quite happily to our quiet life in little Lethbridge (We were adorable Lethbians, inside joke) but now...I feel like we left too much of ourselves in Lethbridge. I for one know I left a lot, a lot of my heart (family I love, my job, Erin, the view, the beautiful city that I will probably never see again) its hard now. We had gotten used to Lethbridge, and we have been pulled and replaced. I am scared because I don't think things can go back to the way they were before.
We are fighting a lot, stupid things are blowing up in peoples faces. Oh this person said this thing about me two months ago, oh this person forgot to put the toliet seat down, this person can't cook, why does this person keep talking, that person keeps glaring at me, its frustrating. We weren't like this before and now we are acting like children. We're adults, come on guys I thought we were better than this! But we've been through worse, and I know we will survive. Although everyone is in countdown mode, which isn't good. If you're counting down the time you're not going to enjoy what is around you.
I'm fearful of the end to tell you the truth. There will be a void in my life once again, what with leaving school (I miss Gleneagle) and not going back until september, and going straight into Katimavik I didn't have time to have a break, and now...what will happen to me? It's not like everything will have frozen and stayed the same from the time I left my family in the Vancouver airport four or so months ago. Nothing will ever be the same again...that scares me. I want the normality of going to school again, where my biggest stress in life was getting good grades...I don't want the real world. Part of me wishes I could stay in Katimavik forever, but even I know that I grow bored of this. I feel in a rut, like I was when I was almost finished school, COAST, the summer, anything. Like when I finish I will be the happiest person on earth, but two months later I will hate myself and wish I could go back. All I want right now is my twin, my family. That is the only reason I am excitied to go home. It's hard to be so far away from those that I love...Katimavik has given me a new appreciation for my family.
When I get in moods like this it's my black hole...I cannot get out. One more day of work this week, then my 48 hours (aka christmas/birthday shopping) then I am house managing next week. November we billet the 4th until the 13th then work work and more work, then the 28th until the 4th I am house managing again with Cole. November 3rd and 4th were trying to plan a trip to Montreal. Last day of work is December 9th...I think. and we go home December 16th. Just two months left of this adventure...I'm happy but sad. Bipolar with emotions once more.
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