Our PL left today.
Just let that sink in. Our project leader left us...She is going to come back on the 9th or so to finish up the program with us. She hurt her shoulder very badly and cannot drive the van, so she has to leave on a two week medical leave. So I am nervous, we have no PL right now. We might not even get one, just people dropping in and checking on us (PC, other PLs, etc.) because Beauport their project leader was fired (Annabel wouldn't elaborate) and we don't know if their PL has even been replaced yet! With two weeks of a job who would take that? Especially in Katimavik when no one will want to bond with this new PL because we're almost done and won't want to say any more goodbyes then we have to. It's self preservation.
I think our group will be fine...but teenagers that have had nothing but rules shoved down their throats for five months? We might just be stupid, and not think (I am thinking like people being lazy and not wanting to do anything and saying stuff like why bother) I am house managing next week. I am scared about what will happen with that. I was excitied it was team BC house managing and now? What will happen now? I feel like that will sum up the rest of Katimavik and the first little while when I get home.
5 days left at work
19 days left of Katimavik
5 days until we find out our travel plans to get home
We're having an open house on December 8th, so if you check the Katimavik facebook page you can find all the information there and come and meet me and my group!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Worst day of my life...
Worst day of your life so far...
Okay well we had our reflection or whatever (It wasn't really a reflection, we just talked about our PL, and about our jobs) and I told our PC (Project Coordinator) that I really wasn't happy with my job and that my PL kinda just shrugged it off whenever I told her. I assumed that with the few days I had left I could just live with it. Our PC told me if I emailed her I could switch if she could find another replacement work for me...whoo! So then I thought about it and realized that if I quit now I wouldn't get a good reference letter from la barratte, and if I started at a new job they couldn't give me a good reference letter either because I would only be there for ten days (Since I didn't get a reference letter in lethbridge, although she gave me all the information to use her as a reference). So I decide to just stay at my job.
Well the next day my boss tells me that he talked with our PC and now he wanted to talk with me...great (It is now a he because my work supervisor because my original girl has to take a pregnancy leave in two weeks or so, so he is taking over all of her responsibilities including me...yay) He pulls me into the side office and starts asking me why I hate my job and just hounding me with questions...like if I was doing drugs or abusing alcohol! I mean come on, A)It's me B)I'm in freaking Katimavik C)WHO DO YOU THINK I AM!?! It's not like I am late and never show up to work. I am always on time...even early most days, I work very hard and try to stay buzy as much as possible, and I am always there I haven't missed a day of work. It was really awkward. He then asks if I am a sensitive girl and its like buddy just stop please. I sit there awkwardly for a few more minutes and then he gives me his cell phone number and says if I need someone to talk with anytime of day I can call him. At least he cares...the way he does it on the other hand...he needs a bit of work on that part. I only have ten days left there...ten days I can handle it right? Right?
Okay well we had our reflection or whatever (It wasn't really a reflection, we just talked about our PL, and about our jobs) and I told our PC (Project Coordinator) that I really wasn't happy with my job and that my PL kinda just shrugged it off whenever I told her. I assumed that with the few days I had left I could just live with it. Our PC told me if I emailed her I could switch if she could find another replacement work for me...whoo! So then I thought about it and realized that if I quit now I wouldn't get a good reference letter from la barratte, and if I started at a new job they couldn't give me a good reference letter either because I would only be there for ten days (Since I didn't get a reference letter in lethbridge, although she gave me all the information to use her as a reference). So I decide to just stay at my job.
Well the next day my boss tells me that he talked with our PC and now he wanted to talk with me...great (It is now a he because my work supervisor because my original girl has to take a pregnancy leave in two weeks or so, so he is taking over all of her responsibilities including me...yay) He pulls me into the side office and starts asking me why I hate my job and just hounding me with questions...like if I was doing drugs or abusing alcohol! I mean come on, A)It's me B)I'm in freaking Katimavik C)WHO DO YOU THINK I AM!?! It's not like I am late and never show up to work. I am always on time...even early most days, I work very hard and try to stay buzy as much as possible, and I am always there I haven't missed a day of work. It was really awkward. He then asks if I am a sensitive girl and its like buddy just stop please. I sit there awkwardly for a few more minutes and then he gives me his cell phone number and says if I need someone to talk with anytime of day I can call him. At least he cares...the way he does it on the other hand...he needs a bit of work on that part. I only have ten days left there...ten days I can handle it right? Right?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Billeting round two
Billeting round two, it doesn't feel like a boxing match now. I honestly had one of the most amazing times billeting in Quebec. Although I do feel like Katimavik is just making me billet to show the world how socially awkward I can be. I went billeting with a girl named Joelle, she is a 26 year old girl with a degree in art. She has her own studio, a lovely little home tucked away in the mountains, a cute cat, an amazing job on the farm. I am in love with my billeting experience. How am I supposed to describe moments of such great bliss. It was amazing! I got to work on a farm for five days, I peeled challets, sorted potatoes, cleaned a green house, sorted tea, helped package chili peppers, cleaned dishes, it was so much fun. Joelle would always bring us tea when we were working. A guy who worked there kept asking us how much french we knew that way he knew if he could be stupid in french or not. I loved it there. I was billeting with Jill and Morgan, and honestly I love them so much.
We were allowed to smoke in the house (disgusting) and drink in the house (I am allowed to drink?! This is weird... obviously I didn't) Alas there was no internet, so I watched B.C. News with jill. The cute little kitten kept attacking jills feet, and it always wanted to snuggle. Jill and I shared the loft upstairs which required you to crawl up the stairs in order to reach it. Morgan had her own bedroom. There was a wood stove that heated all of the house. We had a fondue night, cheese fondue from Charlevoix and a meat fondue from the lady who runs the farm as a thank you. It was fun.
The last day of billeting was very sad. We had to say goodbye to Joelle, who was like our sister. She gave me maple syrup, tea, jam, pickles, and chili peppers to take home with me that was all made on the farm. I am really excitied about the syrup to share it with my family.
Anyways. I miss Joelle I miss the farm. I miss billeting (Never expected to say that) That was just a quick run down on billeting because there hasn't been a blog in a very long time. Also because there is so much to do
30 days left?! SAY WHAT?!
Travel plans on December 1st (To go home)
Days left of work: 11 or 10 (It depends whether or not we can do an event) So finish this week then do all of next week with a volunteer event, then house manage the week after, then the week after that is my last day at work. Whew
I house manage at the end of november and start of december.
Blog posts to come:)
We were allowed to smoke in the house (disgusting) and drink in the house (I am allowed to drink?! This is weird... obviously I didn't) Alas there was no internet, so I watched B.C. News with jill. The cute little kitten kept attacking jills feet, and it always wanted to snuggle. Jill and I shared the loft upstairs which required you to crawl up the stairs in order to reach it. Morgan had her own bedroom. There was a wood stove that heated all of the house. We had a fondue night, cheese fondue from Charlevoix and a meat fondue from the lady who runs the farm as a thank you. It was fun.
The last day of billeting was very sad. We had to say goodbye to Joelle, who was like our sister. She gave me maple syrup, tea, jam, pickles, and chili peppers to take home with me that was all made on the farm. I am really excitied about the syrup to share it with my family.
Anyways. I miss Joelle I miss the farm. I miss billeting (Never expected to say that) That was just a quick run down on billeting because there hasn't been a blog in a very long time. Also because there is so much to do
30 days left?! SAY WHAT?!
Travel plans on December 1st (To go home)
Days left of work: 11 or 10 (It depends whether or not we can do an event) So finish this week then do all of next week with a volunteer event, then house manage the week after, then the week after that is my last day at work. Whew
I house manage at the end of november and start of december.
Blog posts to come:)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Katimavik Why?
1. You say I can have a chance to win a flight anywhere in canada if I give you the numbers of five friends I think would benefit from Katimavik
a) Are you secretly stalking my friends, why would I give you their number do you want to get to second base with my friends...such a player me and now you're eyeing my friends
b) I DON"T HAVE MANY FRIENDS. I have the eleven people here but obviously they're in it already, then I have four really close friends. But hey they don't wanna even do Katimavik because they are going to school.
Can I just have an awesome free flight because I am awesome...yeah I know it's a long shot... if I say please...please?
2. I cannot remember because I have a horrible memory. But lists look awesome
3. I remember what I was going to say...you keep us terribly buzy but then all of the sudden nothing...WHY!?!

Our lovely calendar. It is jam packed with events and stuff to do. Where it is blank (during the day) is where we work. I work from 8 until 3:45 so after work I get more free time until dinner. Fun...not really there is WAY too much.
Anyways I'm off!
a) Are you secretly stalking my friends, why would I give you their number do you want to get to second base with my friends...such a player me and now you're eyeing my friends
b) I DON"T HAVE MANY FRIENDS. I have the eleven people here but obviously they're in it already, then I have four really close friends. But hey they don't wanna even do Katimavik because they are going to school.
Can I just have an awesome free flight because I am awesome...yeah I know it's a long shot... if I say please...please?
2. I cannot remember because I have a horrible memory. But lists look awesome
3. I remember what I was going to say...you keep us terribly buzy but then all of the sudden nothing...WHY!?!

Our lovely calendar. It is jam packed with events and stuff to do. Where it is blank (during the day) is where we work. I work from 8 until 3:45 so after work I get more free time until dinner. Fun...not really there is WAY too much.
Anyways I'm off!
Halloween in Katima land

We all carved pumpkins for halloween, those of us who were of age went to a club, some trick or treated. It was honestly the weirdest halloween I have ever had, and the first one away from home. (My poor sister, didn't have anyone awesome enough to go trick or treating with her.)
Well we had a pumpking carving contest, My favourite was our PL's Annabel. Isn't hers amazing?! My goodness. Ah.
We went to the dagueobar (I cannot spell it) sunday night because that was when they were having their halloween party (why on a sunday I have no idea) while we waited for the club to open we (By we I mean Helena, Willie and I, the rest went elsewhere) went to see the Halloween lights displays on the Plains of Abraham (We went the other night as well, with connor though) Then we went to the club, danced a lot (the whole night away, sigh), saw some amazing costumes (dead mau guy, sally from nightmare before christmas, jack sparrow, v from v for vendetta, alice in wonderland, gods and goddesses) Saw some very horrible costumes that I wish I could forget...yeah horribly, please bleach my eyes. Saw some ladies (like 40 maybe 45 ish) trying to regain their youth. It was fun, crazy loud music, a bit of alcohol (none for me though, I don't like drinking at all. I am the "old lady" of our group, but hey they don't complain when I get to help their sorry butts home after THEY drink too much. Also give them lots of water because my bio teacher said that was the best thing to do when you drink) It was fun.
Halloween I went trick or treating. There were no trick or treaters in our neighbourhood. We found maybe 5, 6, or 7 trick or treating. We didn't get a lot of candy, so I had to reduce myself to buying it (the horror I know! damn only earning 14 bucks a week) on sale the next day. Whatever. Willie was adorable and bought the kids candy to give away, awe.
That was my halloween:D OH! I almost forgot. I am a HUGE fan of good poster design (GUNN CURSE YOU FOR MAKING ME APPRECIATE GOOD POSTER DESIGN!) so I found this in old Quebec, wow...wow.... its such a good design though!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN...two days too late...whoops. Ah Katimavik:)
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