a) Are you secretly stalking my friends, why would I give you their number do you want to get to second base with my friends...such a player me and now you're eyeing my friends
b) I DON"T HAVE MANY FRIENDS. I have the eleven people here but obviously they're in it already, then I have four really close friends. But hey they don't wanna even do Katimavik because they are going to school.
Can I just have an awesome free flight because I am awesome...yeah I know it's a long shot... if I say please...please?
2. I cannot remember because I have a horrible memory. But lists look awesome
3. I remember what I was going to say...you keep us terribly buzy but then all of the sudden nothing...WHY!?!

Our lovely calendar. It is jam packed with events and stuff to do. Where it is blank (during the day) is where we work. I work from 8 until 3:45 so after work I get more free time until dinner. Fun...not really there is WAY too much.
Anyways I'm off!
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