Flash FORWARD!!:

Well not so in lovely Quebec. Our whole group (minus Sterling-still bitter about being poked in both arms and them not finding a vein, Helena-because she lived in Europe for more than six months in the past three years, and Jill- low iron levels) everyone donated! The adventures just keep piling up from there. Morgan, Willie, Cole, Kristen, Gabrielle(Our lovely interim PL, WHO IS AMAZING! Works in communications with Katimavik), Jaz, and Cedric all get through fine...Connor almost passed out when they tried moving the needle to get blood out, none came though. So he got a cold cloth. No one really wanted to go and give him comfort, so Cedric was stuck with that goat. (Goat, I have no idea)
You're probably wondering about yours truly.
*slightly graphic, those who do not like the mention of vomit might want to avoid this part*
Well I donated blood too, near the end I got a freakishly disgusting feeling, like I was about to hurl. It was gross, I look up at Helena, Jill and Morgan (Who sat with me because I was the last one to go and also cause they like me-refer to connor who just had cedric) "Hey guys I feel naseous" Them: "TELL THE NURSE"
Me: "She doesn't speak english!" Them: "SHE WILL UNDERSTAND YOU ARE GOING TO BARF". Now at the mention of barf, the lovely soldier Helena (who is a real trooper you have to understand) ran for cover and surrendered just like the french army. I just keep repeating "get me a bucket, or I will barf on the floor, a bucket, a bucket, barf, floor..." no longer forming sentences, my cries went unheard. Finally a lovely nurse gave me a bag (which at this point was useless, not because I made a mess but because the feeling of naseous-ness had gone away) before I knew it I was laid further back and a cold cloth placed on my warm forehead. The only thing I was concerned about was "Did they get enough blood", like the people who race and pass out during the middle of it and ask if they won. The rest of the day I felt gross, so I bought chocolate and nursed my pain. Luckily for me Jill took over house managing for me that evening. (LOVE THAT GIRL!) Jill was also worried for me she took a bunch of pictures of "the incident" (cue dramatic music) and of how pale I went. She isn't here right now (went home for a few days, personal reasons) but I will steal her pictures of it when she returns! So the rest of the evening,
chocolate + my bed + tea + sleep = happy Keagan once again
(I love tea so much, Katimavik hasn't helped that addiction, made it WAY worse)
Morgan. Poor Poor Morgan. She donated just fine. Wanted a cigarette really really badly. Waited the hour that was reccommended and then smoked half a smoke. She walked into the house and without even taking her jacket off passed out. Great. She was out for apparently 10 seconds (insert clip because I wasn't there, I went to go and get my chocolate!) She had a headache the rest of the day. Went to the hospital found out she has a mild traumatic brain injury (just a bump on the head) told us to watch her. Poor Morgan. Ah well, shes all better now.
Anyways. That is the adventure in blood donation. Always fun. Next time I will donate I'm going to see if there is a way to feel less gross. January is the next time I can donate. I reccommend you to do the same. It doesn't hurt:)
Now I am going to make me some tea. Have a great week!
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