(Just me at Head Smashed in Buffalo when I lived in Lethbridge with the Katimavik program)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzXHNOt4NPI (Our group video for Quebec City)
Just over three months since I have finished the program, but lets be honest it has still stayed with me. I have been lucky enough to be able to do Katimavik recruitement and get paid to talk about Katimavik (before Katimavik it was almost impossible for me to talk in front of a crowd) I still talk to most of my Katimavik counterparts even though we are seperated, one of my best friends is planning on coming out to the wild wild west in the summer, I plan on going out east when I have the funds, Katimavik still is and will always be a part of my life.
My life right now is in a weird place, I signed up to go to school (for education, so I can teach), I have been applying for jobs (I got accepted for one!), I had a goal that when I was 25 I would become a Project Leader with Helena and pay off school but alas...the last thing might not even come true!
Unfortunately...March 29th, 2012 the Federal Budget came out. They cut all funding to Katimavik. Now I have written letters to my member of Parliament, the finance minister, and even the Prime Ministers office. I am so passionate about this program, if it truly gets cut...I was crying so badly yesturday!
My friends I implore you please speak out against the federal budget cutting the Katimavik program, write to your member of parliament (http://www.parl.gc.ca/MembersOfParliament/MainMPsCompleteList.aspx) and please pass this along to your friends as well. Many communites, young adults, non-profit organisations benefit from this program. Show the Canadian government that the youth of this country s…till have a voice, that we still have a purpose. Please send our government a message that they are meant to be a government to help the people, not push their own agendas. Young people might be young right now, but we do grow up. When we start running the country do you want us to cut programs for the elderly or the young people because we are in neither category. We need to keep programs that benefit Canadians in more than just one age group.
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